

baby n. 婴儿

△return adv. 返回(原处);向后;adj. 后面的;n. 回来,返回;背后,后部;背


△return adv. 返回(原处);向后;adj. 后面的;n. 回来,返回;背后,后部;背

retrieve 重新获取;取回;回忆

recall 回忆起;召回;撤回

reintroduce 重新引入;重新介绍;回忆起

restore 恢复;修复;回忆起

reclaim 收回;取回;回忆起

come back 回来

return 归还,恢复; 后退; 交还

get back 回来;找回

repay 偿还,报答

Repay can mean to give back money that you borrowed or to give back a favor or kindness that someone has done for you. It can also mean to respond to someone's actions or behavior in a similar way, but without the negative connotation of revenge or retaliation.

talk back 顶嘴

call back 回电话,记起

background n. 背景

△negative (comparative: more negative, superlative: most negative) adj. 不好的;有害的,不利的;严重的

backpack n. 背包;双肩包;行囊

ball n. 球

balloon n. 气球

bamboo n. 竹

banana n. 香蕉

bank n. (河、海、湖的)岸,堤;银行

bank n. (河、海、湖的)岸,堤;银行

bank n. (河、海、湖的)岸,堤;银行

bank n. (河、海、湖的)岸,堤;银行

bank n. (河、海、湖的)岸,堤;银行

bank n. (河、海、湖的)岸,堤;银行

bank n. (河、海、湖的)岸,堤;银行

bank n. (河、海、湖的)岸,堤;银行

bank n. (河、海、湖的)岸,堤;银行

bank n. (河、海、湖的)岸,堤;银行

baseball n. 棒球

basic adj. 基本的

basket n. 篮子

basketball n. 篮球

bathroom n. 浴室,盥洗

bottle n. 瓶子

bottom n. 底部;底

at the top of…. 在….的顶部

bowl n. 碗

box n. 盒子,箱子

boy n. 男孩

brain n. 脑(子)

brave adj. 勇敢的;

bravery n.勇气;勇敢

bread n. 面包

shatter (shattered, shattered) v.粉碎(破碎,碎裂);损坏,撕裂

break out 爆发

break down 抛锚

disperse 解散;分散;驱散;散开;散去

break into 闯入;插嘴

shatter into fragments

sever(使)断绝;(使)切断; 停止; 解除

breakfast n. 早餐

breath n. 气息;呼吸

take a breath 呼吸

breathe vi. 呼吸

bridge n. 桥

radiant adj. 辉煌的;光芒四射的

intelligent adj. 聪明的;智慧的

fetch (fetched, fetched) vt. 取来,拿来,带来 bring forth 使…显现

raise 养育; 提出; 谈到; 呕出

bring good fortune to 给…带来好运

brother n. 兄;弟

brown n. 棕色,褐色 adj. 棕色的,褐色的




△paint v. 涂;刷 n. 油漆刷

brush one's teeth 刷牙

construct (constructed, constructed) v.建造;构建

build up… 增强

structure n. 结构;建筑物;构造

A structure refers to a physical entity that is built or constructed, such as a building, house, or a larger complex like a skyscraper. It is a tangible object that provides shelter, space, or serves a specific purpose. Structures can vary in size, design, and materials used in their construction. They can be residential, commercial, or industrial in nature. The term "structure" encompasses a wide range of architectural forms and can include bridges, dams, stadiums, and other man-made constructions.

ignite (-d, -d or ignited, ignited) v. 点燃,引燃,使燃烧;使烧焦;使晒黑

public transportation n. 公共交通
bus stop n. 公交车站

occupation n. 职业;工作;职责;事业;行业

duty n. 职责;责任;义务

trade n. 贸易;交易;行业

career n. 职业;事业;生涯

on business 出差

busy adj. 忙(碌)的

be occupied with …=be occupied (in) doing…忙于…

but conj. 但是,可是

butter n. 黄油,奶油

butterfly n. 蝴蝶

buy(bought,bought) vt. 买

purchase something for someone=buy something for someone 为某人购买某物

△by prep. 靠近,在……旁;在……时间;不迟于;被;用;由;乘(车)


by mistake 错误地

unintentionally 无意地;不经意地

incidentally, let me mention


As time goes by, I decided to take a stroll and visit some places along the way. While passing through, I made some judgments about the surroundings.

drop by 顺便来访

pass by 经过; 过去;

bye 再见

cabbage n. 一种蔬菜,常见的品种有卷心菜和洋白菜。它们都属于十字花科植物,具有圆形或扁平的紧密叶片。卷心菜和洋白菜在许多菜肴中都是常见的食材,它们富含维生素C、维生素K和纤维素,对人体健康非常有益。此外,卷心菜和洋白菜还可以用来制作酸菜、泡菜和腌制食品等。无论是生食还是烹饪,卷心菜和洋白菜都是非常营养丰富的选择。

cake n. 蛋糕,糕点;饼

△shout n. 喊叫;大声呼喊; v. 呼喊;大声叫喊;

△telephone n. 电话; v. 打电话;给…打电话;

△address v. 称呼;称作;向…致辞; n. 地址;演讲;

call in 请(某人)来 

pay a visit to (followed by the person/place being visited)

make a phone call;evoke memories

demand for 需求;(公开)要求

call off 取消

△camel n. 骆驼

camera n. 相机;摄像机

A camera is a device used to capture images or record videos. It is widely used in various fields such as photography, filmmaking, surveillance, and video conferencing.

Cameras have evolved significantly over the years, from the traditional film cameras to digital cameras and now to the advanced smartphone cameras. Digital cameras offer the convenience of instant image preview and the ability to store a large number of photos on memory cards. Smartphone cameras, on the other hand, have become increasingly popular due to their portability and ease of use.

In addition to still photography, cameras are also used for recording videos. Video cameras are commonly used in the film industry, television production, and for capturing special moments such as weddings and events.

With the advancement of technology, cameras have become more accessible to the general public. Many people now own a camera, whether it's a standalone digital camera or the camera on their smartphones. This has led to a rise in the popularity of photography as a hobby and a means of self-expression.

In conclusion, cameras play a crucial role in capturing and preserving memories. Whether it's a professional photographer capturing stunning landscapes or an amateur capturing everyday moments, cameras have become an integral part of our lives.

summer camp n. 夏令营
go camping 去野营
set up camp 搭起帐篷
campsite n. 野营地
campfire n. 篝火
camping gear 野营装备
camping trip 野营之旅

△能够 (can) 情态动词,表示某人具备某种能力或有可能做某事。它可以用于现在、过去和将来时态。

1. 我能够帮你完成这个任务。 (I can help you complete this task.)
2. 他过去能够说流利的法语。 (He could speak fluent French in the past.)
3. 明天我可能不能来参加会议。 (I may not be able to attend the meeting tomorrow.)

△可以 (may) 情态动词,表示允许或请求许可。它通常用于征求别人的意见或请求许可。

1. 我可以借用你的笔吗? (May I borrow your pen?)
2. 你可以去朋友家玩一会儿。 (You may go to your friend's house to play for a while.)
3. 我们可以在这里停车吗? (May we park here?)

"能够" (can) 表示某人具备能力或有可能做某事;
"可以" (may) 表示允许或请求许可。

can't=can not v. 不能

unable to resist doing…

I am unable to resist doing…

excited to do 兴奋地去做某事

△Canada n. 加拿大

cancel vt. 取消

cancer n. 癌

candle n. 蜡烛

candy n. 糖果


capital n. 资本;大写字母;首都,省会

Capital is a term that can have multiple meanings depending on the context. It can refer to financial assets or resources that are used to generate income or make investments. In this sense, capital can include money, property, equipment, and other valuable assets.

Capital can also refer to uppercase letters in writing. In contrast to lowercase letters, capital letters are larger and often used at the beginning of sentences or for proper nouns.

Additionally, capital can be used to describe a city that serves as the seat of government for a country or region. These cities are typically the political, economic, and cultural centers of their respective areas.

In summary, capital can refer to financial resources, uppercase letters, or a city that serves as a seat of government.

captain n. 队长;船长;舰长;海军上校

car [kɑ?r] n.汽车

△care [ker] n. 照料,保护;小心;v. 介意……,在乎;关心

△care [ker] n. 关怀,关心;照料,保护;v. 介意……,在乎;关心

care about 在乎;关心

care for 喜欢

take good care of 照顾好

look after=take care of 照顾

cautious [?k????s] adj. 谨慎的,小心的,慎重的

careless [?kerl?s] adj. 不细心的,不注意的

△carry [?k?ri] vt. 承载,携带,运输,支持,执行,实施

Carry is a verb that means to transport or support something or someone from one place to another. It can also refer to the act of executing or implementing a plan or task.

carry out 执行;实行

keep going, persevere

successfully complete; smoothly achieve

cat [k?t] n. 猫

△catch [k?t?] (caught, caught) v. 捕捉;抓住;追上;感染(疾病)

catch a cold感冒

catch up with 赶上

△reason [?ri?z?n] n. 理由,原因 vt. 推理,论证,辩论

△trigger [?tr?ɡ?r] vt. 引发,触发,触动

△bring about 引起,导致

△result in 导致,造成

△lead to 导致,引起

△provoke [pr??vo?k] vt. 激起,引发

△instigate [??nst?ɡe?t] vt. 煽动,激励

△generate [?d??n?re?t] vt. 产生,引起

△spark [spɑ?rk] vt. 引发,激起

△cause to happen 引发发生

△bring on 引发,导致

△result from 由…引起

△lead to the occurrence of 导致…的发生

△provoke the emergence of 激发…的出现

△instigate the happening of 煽动…的发生

△generate the occurrence of 产生…的发生

△spark the onset of 引发…的开始

ceiling [?si?l??] n. refers to the upper interior surface of a room, often made of plaster or other materials, which covers the overhead space and separates it from the roof.

commemorate [k??m?m??re?t] v. 纪念

cent [sent] n. a unit of currency equal to one hundredth of a dollar (100 cents=1 dollar)

center [?s?nt?r] (美center ) n. 中心,中央


1. 这座城市的中心是一个繁忙的商业区。
2. 在这个项目中,用户体验是我们关注的中心。
3. 这个国家的政府总部位于首都的中心。


century [?sent??ri] n. a period of one hundred years

specific [sp??s?f?k] adj.(未指明真实名称的)特定的……;明确的,确切的;必定会……

chair [t?er] n. 椅子

chairperson [?t?erp??rs?n] n. 主席,会长;议长

chairwoman [?t?erw?m?n] n. a female chairperson or president

The term "chairwoman" refers to a woman who holds the position of chairperson or president. She is the leader or head of an organization, committee, or board. The role of a chairwoman is to preside over meetings, make decisions, and provide guidance and direction to the members. She is responsible for ensuring that the organization's goals and objectives are met and that its operations run smoothly. A chairwoman is a symbol of leadership and represents the organization in various capacities.

chalk [t?ɑ?k] n. 粉笔

opportunity [?ɑ?p?r?tu?n?ti] n. 机会,可能性

rephrase[r??fre?z] v. 重新表达,改写;改述;改变措辞

cheap [t?i?p] adj. 便宜的

cheat [t?i?t] n. & v. 骗取,哄骗;作弊

deceive sb. into giving up sth. 欺骗某人放弃某物

verify [?v?r??fa?] v. 验证;核实;确认;校验;检验

cheese [t?i?z] n. 奶酪

Chemistry is the scientific study of matter, its properties, composition, and the changes it undergoes. It is a branch of science that explores the interactions between atoms and molecules, and how they combine and rearrange to form new substances. Chemistry plays a crucial role in our daily lives, from the food we eat to the medicines we take. It helps us understand the world around us at a molecular level and provides the foundation for advancements in various fields such as medicine, materials science, and environmental science.

chess [t?es] n. 棋

chest [t?est] n. 胸腔;胸部;箱子

The chest is an essential part of the human body, located between the neck and the abdomen. It houses vital organs such as the heart and lungs, protecting them from external harm. The chest also plays a crucial role in respiration, allowing air to enter and exit the body.

In addition to its anatomical significance, the word "chest" can also refer to a box or container used for storing or transporting items. Chests can come in various shapes and sizes, made from materials such as wood, metal, or plastic. They are commonly used for storing clothes, toys, or other personal belongings.

Whether referring to the human body or a storage container, the word "chest" carries a sense of protection and containment. It symbolizes the importance of safeguarding what is valuable and keeping things organized.

poultry [?po?ltri] n. 家禽(可数);禽肉(不可数)

kid [k?d] (plural kids [k?dz]) n. 小孩,儿童

China [?t?a?n?] n.中国


chocolate [?t???kl?t] is a delicious treat loved by people all over the world. It is made from the beans of the cacao tree and comes in various forms such as bars, truffles, and hot cocoa. The rich and creamy texture of chocolate makes it a popular choice for desserts and snacks. Whether enjoyed on its own or used as an ingredient in baking, chocolate is sure to satisfy any sweet tooth.

decision [d??s???n] n. 决定;决策

select [s??l?kt] (selected [s??l?kt?d]) vt. 选择 select to do… 选择做….

Chopsticks are a pair of small, thin, and tapered utensils used for eating in many Asian countries. They are typically made of wood, bamboo, or plastic. The word "chopsticks" is derived from the Chinese term "kuàizi," which means "quick little bamboo fellows."

Christmas [?kr?sm?s] is a holiday celebrated on December 25th each year. It is a time for people to come together and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. During Christmas, people often exchange gifts, decorate their homes with lights and ornaments, and gather with family and friends to enjoy festive meals and traditions. It is a time of joy, love, and giving. Many people also attend church services and participate in religious ceremonies to commemorate the significance of this holiday. Overall, Christmas is a special time of year that brings people closer and spreads happiness and goodwill.

church [t???rt?] n. a place of worship; a building used for religious ceremonies and gatherings

movie theater [?mu?vi ?θi??t?r] n.电影院;电影

The movie theater is a place where people can go to watch movies on the big screen. It is a popular form of entertainment and a common social activity. Movie theaters typically have multiple screens and show a variety of films, including new releases, classics, and independent films. Going to the movie theater allows people to enjoy the cinematic experience with high-quality sound and visuals. It is a great way to escape reality and immerse oneself in the world of storytelling and imagination.

circle [?s??rkl] n. a closed curve in which all points are equidistant from a fixed center vt. to enclose or surround something by drawing a circle around it

urban area [???rb?n ?e?ri?] n. 城市,都市,市区

applaud [??pl??d] vi. 鼓掌;喝彩

class [kl?s] n. (学校里的)班级;年级;课程




classmate [?kl?sme?t] n. a fellow student in the same class

classroom [?kl?sru?m] n. a designated space within a school or educational institution where teaching and learning activities take place.

clean [kli?n] vt. 清理,整理 adj. 整洁的,干净的




clean [kli?n] vt. 清理,整理 adj. 整洁的,干净的



明确的 [míngquè de] adj. 清晰的;明亮的;清楚的

intelligent [?n?t?l?d??nt] adj. 聪明的,智慧的

ascend [??s?nd] v. 上升,攀登,登上

clock [klɑ?k] n. 钟

replica [?r?pl?k?] n. 复制品(通过无性繁殖得到的有机体群)

近 [n??r] adj. 亲密的;靠近的 adv. 靠近 vt. 靠近,接近

close to….. 离….近

apparel [??p?r?l] n. 服装;衣物

Various types of apparel

cloud [kla?d] n. 云;云状物;阴影

Clouds are visible masses of water vapor suspended in the Earth's atmosphere. They can take various forms, such as fluffy white cumulus clouds or thin wispy cirrus clouds. Clouds play a crucial role in the Earth's weather system, as they can bring rain, snow, or other forms of precipitation.

In addition to their meteorological significance, clouds also have symbolic meanings. They are often associated with mystery, dreams, and imagination. When someone says their mind is "clouded," it means their thoughts are unclear or confused. On the other hand, a silver lining behind a cloud represents hope or a positive outcome in a difficult situation.

Cloud computing is another concept that has gained popularity in recent years. It refers to the practice of using remote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than relying on a local server or personal computer. Cloud computing offers numerous benefits, such as increased flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.

Overall, clouds are not only natural phenomena but also symbols and technological tools that have a significant impact on our lives. Whether they are floating in the sky, casting shadows on the ground, or storing our data in the virtual realm, clouds continue to fascinate and shape our world.

overcast [?o?v?rk?st] adj. 阴天的,多云的

club [kl?b] n. 俱乐部;纸牌中的梅花

A club is an organization or group of people who come together for a common purpose or interest. It can be a social club, a sports club, or a hobby club, among others. Members of a club often meet regularly to engage in activities, share ideas, and build relationships.

In addition to its meaning as an organization, a club is also one of the four suits in a deck of playing cards. The club suit is represented by a symbol resembling a three-leaf clover or a trefoil. It is commonly referred to as the "club" or "clover" suit. In card games, such as poker or bridge, the club suit has its own ranking and is one of the four suits used to determine the value of a hand.

mentor [?m?nt?r] n. 导师;指导者;顾问;教练

stagecoach [?ste?d??ko?t?] n. 驿站马车;四轮大马车;公共马车

coal [ko?l] n. 煤;煤块

coast [ko?st] n. 沿海地区;海边地带

jacket [?d??k?t] n. 夹克;外套;上衣;短上衣 vt. 给……穿上夹克;给……穿上外套

coffee [?k??fi] n. 咖啡

coin [k??n] n. 硬币

Coke [ko?k] n. 可口可乐

chilly [?t??li] adj. 寒冷的,凉爽的 n. 寒冷;感冒,伤风

I am suffering from a cold/headache/stomachache.

have a fever 发烧

have a sore throat 喉咙疼

gather [?ɡ?e?r] vt. 聚集,集合

collection [k??lek?n] n. a group of items that are gathered or accumulated over time for the purpose of keeping or displaying them

A collection is a carefully curated assortment of items that are gathered or accumulated over time. It is often created with the intention of keeping or displaying these items. A collection can consist of various objects, such as artwork, books, stamps, coins, or even rare memorabilia. People collect items for different reasons, including personal interest, investment, or sentimental value. Regardless of the motivation, a collection is a reflection of the collector's passion and dedication to preserving and appreciating these items.

university [?ju?n??v??rs?ti] n. 大学;学府

colour [?k?l?r] (美color) n. 颜色 vt. 给……着色,涂色

arrive [??ra?v] (arrived, arrived) vi. 到达,抵达

come from 来自

come along 发生,来到

come in 进来

come out 出去;出版

stumble upon (accidentally) encounter (or happen)

enter into 进入; 加入,参加;

△come on 开始; 快点

drop by 顺便来访; suddenly feel 突然感到; come over 过来;

come true 实现

come up with 提出新的想法或解决方案

come to an end 结束或终结

regain consciousness, recover awareness

collapse; descend; reduce

come back 回来

△cozy [?ko?zi] adj. 温暖舒适的;舒适的;舒适自在的

in a comfortable manner

△ordinary [???rdn??ri]adj. 平凡的,普通的;常见的;普通人的
share…in common共同拥有…;共同具备…

interact [?nt?r??kt] v. 互动;交流(感情,信息等)

engage in communication with….. 与…进行沟通

communication [k??mju?n??ke??n]n. 交流;沟通;联络

company[?k?mp?ni] n. 公司

△contrast [k?n?tr?st] vt. 对比,对照

△analyze [??n??la?z] vt. 分析,剖析

△examine [?ɡ?z?m?n] vt. 检查,审查

△evaluate [??v?ljue?t] vt. 评估,评价

△assess [??s?s] vt. 评估,估计

△distinguish [d??st??ɡw??] vt. 区分,辨别

△identify [a??d?nt??fa?] vt. 辨认,识别

△match [m?t?] vt. 匹配,相配

△relate [r??le?t] vt. 关联,联系

△correlate [?k?r??let] vt. 相关联,互相关联

①compare with 与…相比


△compete [k?m?pi?t]vi. 竞争,争夺

compete with… 与…竞争

contest [?kɑ?nt?st] n. 竞赛,比赛

rival [?ra?v?l] n.竞争对手,敌手

accomplish [??kɑ?mpl??] vt. 完成,实现

thoroughly [?θ?r?li] adv. 彻底地

recomposition [?ri?kɑ?mp??z??n] n. 重新创作;重新作曲







computer game 电子游戏

live performance [la?v p?r?f??rm?ns] n. 现场表演;演出

condition [k?n?d??n] n. 状态,情况

meeting [?mi?t??] n. (正式的)会议;讨论

link [l??k] vt. 连接,把……联系起来 link A to/with B (把A与B联系起来)

△ponder [?p?nd?r] vt. 思考

consider doing…考虑做….

△proceed [pr??si?d] vi. 继续进行

keep on doing 持续做某事(继续做同一件事)

persist in doing 坚持做某事(继续做同一件事)

carry on doing 继续做某事(继续做同一件事)

proceed with doing 继续做某事(继续做同一件事)

resume doing 恢复做某事(继续做同一件事)

keep doing 持续做某事(不停止做某事)

△manage [?m?n?d?] vt.& n. 管理

Somebody is responsible for…

Sth. be under the control of 由…负责/管理/控制

△dialogue [?da???l?ɡ] n. 对话,交流

A dialogue is a verbal exchange between two or more people where they engage in conversation and communicate with each other. It involves the sharing of thoughts, ideas, and information in a back-and-forth manner. Dialogues can take place in various settings, such as in person, over the phone, or through written communication. They play a crucial role in fostering understanding, resolving conflicts, and building relationships.

chef [??f] n. 主厨,厨师长 v. 烹饪,烹调

Chef is a professional cook who is skilled in preparing food. They are responsible for creating delicious and visually appealing dishes. Chefs have extensive knowledge of various cooking techniques and ingredients. They work in restaurants, hotels, and other food establishments. The role of a chef is crucial in ensuring that meals are prepared to perfection and meet the expectations of customers.

cooker [?k?k?r] n. a device used for cooking food, such as a stove, oven, or grill

awesome [???s?m] adj. 令人赞叹的,令人惊叹的;很酷的

reproduce [?ri?pr??dju?s] n. 复制品,副本;一份(册,本……) v. 复制;翻印;拷贝(备份盘)

corner [?k??rn?r] n. 角落;拐角





revise [r??va?z] v. 修订;修改 adj. 修订的;修改的

△price [pra?s] n. 价格 v. 定价(多少钱)



②sb. dedicate … to sth./(in) doing sth 投入时间做某事

③It requires someone +时间 …. to do 某人需要花费时间….去做…

△cotton [?kɑ?tn]n. a soft, fluffy fiber that grows in a protective case, or boll, around the seeds of the cotton plant. It is used to make various textile products such as clothing, bedding, and towels.

a. made of or relating to cotton.

cough [k??f]n.& vi. 咳嗽

could [k?d]modal v.(can的过去式)可以……;(表示许可或请求)可以……,行


1. I could swim when I was five years old.(我五岁时会游泳。)
2. Could you please pass me the salt?(请你把盐递给我好吗?)

1. If I had more time, I could visit you.(如果我有更多时间,我可以去看你。)
2. If I were taller, I could reach the top shelf.(如果我个子高一点,我可以够到顶层架子。)


count [ka?nt]vt. 数,点数

nation [?ne???n] n. 国家;民族

rural [?r?r?l] adj. 农村的;乡村的

rural area [?r?r?l ??ri?] n. 农村地区,乡村地带

couple [?k?pl] n. 伴侣,一对

bravery [?bre?v?ri] n. 勇敢;勇气

possess the bravery to undertake….拥有勇气去承担….

course [k??rs] n. 程序;路径;方向

cousin [?k?zn] n. 堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹

Cousin, also known as a first cousin, is a relative who shares at least one common ancestor with another person. Cousins can be either male or female and can be from the same or different generations. They are typically the children of one's aunts or uncles. In some cultures, cousins are considered to be like siblings and have a close bond, while in others, the relationship may be more distant. Regardless of the cultural perspective, cousins often play an important role in a person's family and can be a source of support and companionship.

lid [l?d] n. 盖子;盖 v. 盖上;覆盖;掩盖
cover B with A 用A盖住B

cow [ka?] n. 母牛,奶牛

Crayon is a type of coloring tool that is made of wax and comes in various colors. It is commonly used by children for drawing and coloring. Crayons are also used by artists to create colorful and vibrant artworks known as crayon drawings.

insane [?n?se?n] adj.. 疯狂的

be passionate about/for sth./doing… 对…充满热情

She is passionate about painting. -> She is crazy about painting.

generate [?d??n??re?t] vt. 产生;引发

creation [kri?e??n] n. 创造

Creation refers to the act of bringing something into existence or the process of making something new. It involves using one's imagination, skills, and resources to produce something that did not previously exist.

Creation can take many forms, such as creating a work of art, inventing a new technology, or designing a new product. It is a fundamental aspect of human nature and is often driven by a desire for self-expression, problem-solving, or innovation.

The process of creation often involves a combination of inspiration, planning, and execution. It requires creativity, vision, and the ability to think outside the box. It can be a solitary endeavor or a collaborative effort involving a team of individuals with different skills and expertise.

The act of creation can be both exhilarating and challenging. It requires dedication, perseverance, and a willingness to take risks. It is a deeply personal and subjective experience, as each creator brings their unique perspective, experiences, and talents to the table.

Ultimately, creation is a powerful force that has the potential to shape the world and leave a lasting impact. It is through creation that new ideas are born, boundaries are pushed, and progress is made. Whether big or small, every act of creation contributes to the ongoing evolution of society and the human experience.

innovative [??n??ve?t?v] adj. 具有创新能力的

cross[kr??s] n. 十字形的物体 vt. 跨越;横穿


merciless [?m??rs?l?s] adj. 无情的,残忍的;冷酷的

cruelty [?kru??lti] n. 残忍

Cruelty refers to the act of intentionally causing pain, suffering, or harm to others. It is a behavior that lacks compassion and empathy towards living beings. Cruelty can manifest in various forms, such as physical abuse, emotional manipulation, or neglect. It is a deeply troubling aspect of human nature that can have devastating consequences for both the victims and the perpetrators.

weep [wi?p] n. 哭泣;泪水 v. 哭泣;流泪

Culture refers to the beliefs, customs, practices, and values that are shared by a group of people. It encompasses the way of life, art, language, religion, and social behavior of a particular society or community. Culture plays a significant role in shaping individuals' identities and influencing their perspectives and behaviors. It is a dynamic and evolving concept that is passed down from generation to generation, constantly adapting to new influences and experiences. Culture not only provides a sense of belonging and identity but also serves as a bridge between different communities, fostering understanding and appreciation for diversity.

cultural [?k?lt??r?l] adj. pertaining to culture

Cultural [?k?lt??r?l] adj. refers to anything related to culture.

cup [k?p]n. 茶杯

△cut [k?t] (cut, cut) v. 切割,剪裁,削减,割断 n. 切口,伤口

cut up 切碎

cut down 削减;把…砍到

cut off 切除,砍下

cut out 停止;剪下




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